243-Marriage Divorce & Remarriage (V)

From I Corinthians 7, this session addresses the issue of how being saved affects marriage relationships. Also examined are principles for building successful marriages.

CD's are $6.00 (includes shipping)

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244-Marriage Divorce & Remarriage (VI)

This lesson deals with the ten most important needs people in a marriage relationship have. It also addresses the seven problems common in most marriages.  Research by Dr. Willard F. Harley’s book, “His Needs, Her Needs” was used.

CD's are $6.00 (includes shipping)

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245-Hung by the Tongue (I)

Examines from scripture how our words will either justify or condemn us before God. A study of scriptures reveals those things that can be spoken which can condemn us.

CD's are $6.00 (includes shipping)

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246-Hung by the Tongue (II)

Continues to reveal words that can condemn Christians. Also examines how murmuring, complaining, making inner vows, and boasting need to be  stopped and repented of.

CD's are $6.00 (includes shipping)

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247-Hung by the Tongue (III)

Lists from scripture types of words that bring condemnation to the believer.

CD's are $6.00 (includes shipping)

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248-Hung by the Tongue (IV)

This session concluded the ways in which words can condemn. This included fifty different wrong usages of the tongue that are representative of words that condemn.

CD's are $6.00 (includes shipping)

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249-Hung by the Tongue (V)

Deals with four basic things Christians are to do in order to keep their speech in line with the word of God. Ends with words that are given in scripture as “words that justify.”

CD's are $6.00 (includes shipping)

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250-Hung by the Tongue (VI)

Continues the study of words that justify. Adds six other categories of words that justify and their accompanying confessions of faith based on the word of God.

CD's are $6.00 (includes shipping)

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251-Hung by the Tongue (VII)

Reviews six different kinds of confessions which are scriptural. This lesson adds to this list and gives five additional confessions of faith.

CD's are $6.00 (includes shipping)

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252-Hung by the Tongue (VIII)

Reveals how confessions of faith taught in previous lessons actually work in bringing to pass the desired result. This is accomplished by studying Kingdom principles written in God’s word.

CD's are $6.00 (includes shipping)

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253-Living Above the Snake Line (I)

The purpose of this series is to learn from scripture how
live in the spiritual realm in such a manner that demon influences cannot affect you.

CD's are $6.00 (includes shipping)

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254-Living Above the Snake Line (II)

Reveals from God’s word how we can be protected from seven destructive elements prevalent in the world. Ends with a practical application through an incident in the life of Elisha.

CD's are $6.00 (includes shipping)

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CD 243 Thru 254
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